Contact Flora

Contact Us

ConsumerA person who purchases Flora products directly at the Point of Sale

If you prefer, contact us:
Telephone: 0800 7034 071 – service hours from Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

CustomerSomeone who stocks his/her store with Flora products

Privacy Portal

Tel: (11) 3623.2455

Compliance and Integrity

Tel: (11) 3623.2455

FLORA Ethics Channel

Telephone: 0800 888 0031 (toll-free calls)

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I become a Flora supplier?
Pre-register on the Suppliers tab and we will contact you.
2. How can I work at Flora?
The Human Resources department recruits new employees based on résumés registered on the page Check to see if there is any job opening of interest or register your résumé in the talent bank.
3. How can I get information for the Press?
Contact our media relations area:
Corporate Communication
4. How can I send a product complaint?
For complaints, questions or praise, please send a message to our Customer Service team via Contact Us.
5. How can I identify a Flora product?
All of our brands’ products have the Flora logo on their labels. Check the back of the packaging.
6. Which kind of product does Flora produce?
Flora produces products for personal and household hygiene and cleaning. Our brands are:
Albany, Assim, Brisa, Francis, Karina, Kolene, Mat Inset, Minuano, Neutrox, No Inset, OX and Phytoderm.
7. How can I get more information on Flora products?
Go to the brand’s page on our site or send a message to our Customer Service team via Contact Us.
8. What are Flora’s sustainability initiatives?
Flora has some sustainable initiatives related to the environment and social causes. Visit the Projects page to learn more.
9. Does Flora sell its products directly to individuals? Where can I find Flora products?
Yes! You can fund them on our e-commerce
10. How can I receive information about Flora’s product launches?
Follow our brands on social networks or the each brand’s page on the website.